Data Science & Software Engineering blog. Technical publications, tutorials and career guides.

The Transformers Architecture in Detail - What’s the magic behind LLMs?

The Transformers architecture, introduced in 2017, revolutionized AI by using self-attention mechanisms, enabling models like GPT-3.5 to excel. This innovation has led to widespread adoption and transformative impacts. Key features include the encoder-decoder structure and multi-headed attention.

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Object-oriented Programming: A Primer

This article introduces the concept of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), a popular programming paradigm that organizes data and code into objects, which interact with each other to perform tasks and represent real-world entities.

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Technical Interviews: Stories and Tips from Both Sides

Whether you are in academia or industry, one thing for sure is that you will have interviews. Sitting at both sides of the interview table gave me a better perspective on technical interviews. I was also interested in what other people think. What are their perspectives from both sides? The PyData Amsterdam conference was a good opportunity to have some answers. This blog post outlines the unconference session I facilitated, sprinkled with my comments.

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Build and deploy an Interactive Data Analytics Dashboard with Dash and Azure Web Service

Do you wish to build and deploy an interactive Dash app to the web for free but don’t know how? Well, you’re in luck because it’s super easy! In this article, we will be building a food price monitoring interactive dashboard using Python libraries Plotly and Dash. Next, we will learn how to deploy it on Azure App Service using the Azure portal. So let’s get started! The code to build and deploy the app can be found [here](

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An In-depth Introduction to MLOps

It’s not a simple task to build and operate a continuous ML system. It requires many different types of operations that need to be synched and work in tandem. This process refers to machine learning operations, aka MLOps.

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Find out how streaming platforms deliver the best service using data

Streaming companies record more data than you can think of. Find out more about how the streaming industry works and the metrics they record!

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Bridge Libraries and How They Can Aid Your Data Projects

In need to port code from a different programming language to the one with which you are more comfortable? This nifty set of libraries may be able to help you with the task at hand.

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Mentoring Best Practices

Some ideas to help cultivate and refine a mentoring relationship in practice

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Data Science vs Computer Science degree? What you should know before choosing a study program

Choosing a degree is one of the most important decisions you will make in your career or even in your entire life. Are you considering a Computer Science or Data Science study and don't know which one to choose? This career guide will definitely help you to make up your mind. This is part 1/3 of the Ultimate Career Guide for Data Scientists & Developers.

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Data labelling: The Dirty Job of Machine Learning

What it is, how to do it, and the best tools out there

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Pro Python Tips for Data Analysts

Complex analysis requires complex code. How do you keep this tidy, ready to evolve and improve? Learn to create sleek code, which clearly expresses the steps between the problem and the solution with these top tips for data analysts.

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Every Data Scientist Should Know This Design Principle

Let's talk about the one design principle that every Data Scientist should be aware of.

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Human-Centric AI Manifesto: Or How To Try and DO No Harm 

Recently I’ve said farewell to my academic career and switched back to industry. While I haven’t regretted that move for one moment, I started having some concerns on if I will be able to keep on reflecting on the ethical aspects of my work now that my work has become more pragmatic and my autonomy has decreased.  In general I think we as a data science community are not doing enough to guarantee our work does not harm or disadvantage those that interact with whatever we create. In this piece I tried to consolidate my observations and ideas on how to do better than we are currently doing, by adopting a more human-centric and value-sensitive approach.

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How to write amazing code as a Data Scientist

And why you should learn how to do it

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"Must-Have Skills" is Silly

Let's talk about marketing techniques without skill anxiety.

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