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Recurrent Neural Networks

 Towards Data Science

The goal of this article is to explore Recurrent Neural Networks in-depth, which are a kind of Neural Networks with a different architecture than the ones seen in previous articles (Link). As we have…...

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Recurrent Neural Network

 Towards Data Science

In my last blog about NLP I had taken topics of Bag of Words, tokenization, TF-IDF, Word2Vec, all of these had a problem like they don’t store the information of semantics. It is important…

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Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

 Towards Data Science

The main objective of this post is to implement an RNN from scratch and provide an easy explanation as well to make it useful for the readers. Implementing any neural network from scratch at least…

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Recurrent Neural Networks

 Dive intro Deep Learning Book

In Section 9.3 we described Markov models and \(n\) -grams for language modeling, where the conditional probability of token \(x_t\) at time step \(t\) only depends on the \(n-1\) previous tokens. If ...

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The Recurrent Neural Network (RNNs)

 Towards Data Science

The way an RNN does this is to take the output of one neuron and return it as input to another neuron or feed the input of the current time step to the output of earlier time steps. Here you feed the…...

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Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks

 Analytics Vidhya

In this chapter of our Artificial Neural Network introduction series, we will be talking about the Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) which are the building blocks for Natural Language Processing (NLP)…...

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Recurrent Neural Networks

 Dive intro Deep Learning Book

Up until now, we have focused primarily on fixed-length data. When introducing linear and logistic regression in Section 3 and Section 4 and multilayer perceptrons in Section 5 , we were happy to assu...

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Deep Recurrent Neural Networks

 Dive intro Deep Learning Book

Up until now, we have focused on defining networks consisting of a sequence input, a single hidden RNN layer, and an output layer. Despite having just one hidden layer between the input at any time st...

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Recurrent Neural Networks: Deep Learning for NLP

 Towards Data Science

Deep learning models for NLP use cases. Different types of recurrent neural networks. Understanding LSTM architecture and its long-range dependencies which makes it best for models involving unstructu...

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The Power of Recurrent Neural Networks

 Towards Data Science

Neural networks have come to dominate modern AI Research in recent years, and with good cause: they have provided powerful tools in extracting complex patterns from data, be it when classifying or…

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Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks

 Level Up Coding

Exploring the Intricacies of Recurrent Neural Networks: From Voice Assistant Technologies to Advanced AI Memory Processing The Role of RNNs in Modern AI Applications Siri, look up “Recurrent Neural Ne...

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Recurrent Neural Networks — Part 1

 Towards Data Science

In this lecture, we present an introduction to recurrent neural network and highlight the ideas of the Elman cell.

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Recurrent Neural Networks — Part 5

 Towards Data Science

In this blog post, we discuss how to generate symbol sequences from RNNs. We show examples that generate Shakespeare-like text or folk music.

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The Basics of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

 Towards AI

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are widely used for data with some kind of sequential structure. For instance, time series data has an intrinsic ordering based on time. Sentences are also…

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Artificial Neural Networks, Part 5 — Recurrent Neural Networks

 Analytics Vidhya

With convolution neural networks, we can create deep learning models which are really good at classifying images and can be scaled to process a wide variety of image data. When processing sequence…

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Recurrent Neural Networks, Explained and Visualized from the Ground Up

 Towards Data Science

With an application to machine translation Continue reading on Towards Data Science

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A Brief Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks

 Towards Data Science

An introduction to RNN, LSTM, and GRU and their implementation RNN, LSTM, and GRU cells. If you want to make predictions on sequential or time series data (e.g., text, audio, etc.) traditional neural...

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Recurrent Neural Networks — Part 4

 Towards Data Science

In this blog post, we introduce the concept of gated recurrent units. Having fewer parameters than the LSTM, yet still empirically yield similar performance.

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Explained: Recurrent Neural Networks

 Analytics Vidhya

Recurrent Neural Networks are specialized neural networks designed specifically for data available in form of sequence. Few examples of sequence data could be text data such as tweets or comments…

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Unlocking the Power of Recurrent Neural Networks: A Beginner’s Guide

 Towards AI

This blog covers a beginner-level introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks, forward and backpropagation through time, and its implementation in Python using NumPy. Introduction With the advancement ...

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Recurrent Neural Networks — Part 2

 Towards Data Science

This blog posts explains the backpropagation through time algorithm and the memory efficient truncated alternative.

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Recurrent Neural Networks — Part 3

 Towards Data Science

In this blog post, we present an introduction to long-short term memory units and the different gates.

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Understanding Recurrent Neural Networks

 Analytics Vidhya

An introduction to what are Recurrent Neural Networks and how they work.

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Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)— Improving RNNs

 Towards Data Science

In this article, we will introduce Long-Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs), variants of regular vanilla Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) that are better at dealing with long-term dependencies. They us...

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